Buuky Help
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Buuky offers a REST API that enables the retrieval of booking data. In the interests of data protection, the booking data is anonymized, i.e. returned without personal data. Integrations often come with individual questions and requirements. Our team will be happy to help and can be contacted at team@buuky.app.


The Buuky REST API is included with every Buuky account. Access to the Buuky API is protected via API keys. As a recommendation, a separate key should be created for every integration or for each caller of the API, to be able to manage access in a dedicated manner. Administration rights are required for the setup. The configuration of the API keys can be found in the Buuky configuration, which can be accessed via the person icon at the top right. It is located in the left-hand navigation under the “Buuky API” item. The key overview shows the API keys that have already been configured, including the creation date, the last use and the option to edit or delete the key name.


Creating a new API key

Another key can be added using the “New key” button. After entering a name, the actual API key is displayed in a second dialog. This should be saved, as it can only be displayed once and is then stored in encrypted form.

New key


API call

Base URL

The Buuky API can be accessed via a central base URL: https://my.buuky.app/api/v1/


Each API call requires authentication using the previously created API key and the unique tenant ID. If the latter is not known, it can simply be read on the Buuky API page. The API key and the tenant ID are sent with every API call via the headers x-auth-key and x-auth-tenant, as in the following example CURL call:

curl -X 'GET' \
    'https://my.buuky.app/api/v1/facilities' \
    -H 'accept: application/json' \
    -H 'x-auth-key: 00000-0000-0000-0000-000000' \
    -H 'x-auth-tenant: mytenantid'

API endpoints

The exact description of the API endpoints is available as an OpenAPI specification from the Buuky team either directly by e-mail to team@buuky.app or via the Support Portal. The endpoints offer the possibility to retrieve information about the facilities and the bookings per facility. Should further data be required the Buuky team is also available via the aforementioned channels.

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